Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Last Long Interior Design for the Kitchen

Last long interior design means saving money in the future. The world is growing, so our needs would be getting bigger and bigger over years. On the contrary, the income is commonly slow growing. Therefore, we should make sure that we could have something that last longer. Something that makes us do not have to spend dollars often, in this case is for our kitchen interior design.

If you want to make your kitchen interior design last longer, you need to think practical first. Make sure you have something you need first and think about what will make the kitchen look good later. Make a list of your needs while putting the priorities on the top list. About kitchen gadget, you must ensure you know how to use it before you put it on a list. If you do not have any idea about how to use it, ask your friend first or learn it online first before you decide to have it.

The other key of last longer design is careful with current trend, especially for something big size and expensive. We all know that trend is ‘come and go’. Many trends could not even last a year. It would be hard to make last long interior design with choosing current trend. When you choose something, choose one that not too specific in design because it commonly not last long. For example is specific pattern that people will easily recognize it as last year trend on the next year. For kitchen cabinet, counter top, and expensive gadget, try to avoid trend and think more practical. If you really want to go with trend, choose one that smaller and not too expensive so anytime you wish to change it, you can do it easily.

Placing is the next thing to consider. You must cook in the most comfortable position. Do not place something too high and too far just because it will look good. You will regret it soon. Put things that you will use often in near position one another. Try to imagine the time you will cook on your kitchen before you decide to put this and that.

If you are not the one who will use the kitchen, you need to consider the others too. Make sure you ask them about what they need and want for the kitchen. If you have agreement, it will avoid fight in the future that make you have to change the kitchen and make it last long interior design.

Common House Design Mistakes to Avoid or Regret It

Before you regret the house, better you pay attention to these common house design mistakes that many people do. Do not be like the other homeowners who mad with themselves just because one wrong decision for the house. Be the one who satisfied with the result and proud to show the house as your palace.
The first mistake that people commonly do to result regret is follow a trend. Why trend become one of common house design mistakes? First, we should realize that trend is something that most people love in certain period. The keywords are ‘most people’ and ‘certain period’. Most people do not mean everyone.
Trend is necessary if you plan to sell the house, but if you want to stay in, think twice. Although play space will be hot this year, if you do not need it or do not like it, why should you have it? So think carefully before you choose a trend. Make sure it fits your need and desire. Then, trend will not last forever. If you do not have that much money for yearly redesigning, think about something last longer.
The second mistake is listening to too much people. Of course, sometime we need advice from others to reach the best result but too much advice will only give you headache and confusion. Make sure you ask someone or two people who are competent and understand you. The most important thing is always remember that this is your house so you are the one who will happy or not happy with the house.
The third common mistake is sacrificing quality. House is not something that you only use it for one day or two. House is a place to feel comfort and safe for long time. Never sacrifice quality just to save dollars, especially for something that has risk of safety. If you do not have enough money, do not force yourself to have it. Smaller in high quality is better than bigger yet low quality. Instead of pushing yourself for low quality, you had better postpone your plan until you have enough money.
Now you know how to avoid regret feeling due to wrong decision in house design. Avoiding common mistakes is not only save your heart but also save lots of money, time, and energy because you do not need to redo the work. Therefore, anytime you want to build new house or redesign house, do not forget to avoid common house design mistakes.


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